Ritchey and Keri

Ritchey and Keri

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Finally a Blog Post!

Hi! The Hann family is doing well; we have a little bug running through the family but nothing major just lots of sore throats.

Katie Rose is doing well. The doctor called and said Katie still has an infection in her urine and started a new different antibiotic. I did not get a copy of her blood counts but I was told they were okay. I had a peek at some of her labs and I did have some concerns about things, but the doctor did not get into those results with me, so I will wait until next visit, because it is not something that needs to be addressed right now.

Katie Rose went to the prom last weekend and had a great time; I am uploading a bunch of photos as I have to share with you all. Katie Rose looked so pretty and she went with her friend James from church. Her older brothers David Brandon and Johnathan also got to attend.

We have been busy working in the yard. We have a lot of work to do. We worked hard all day yesterday, building a new chicken coop and pen area so they can roam in the day with out being attack by Bella our dog. We have been cleaning up the yard. The chickens are growing so fast. Spring is here with flowers in bloom. The trees are blooming. We have cleaned out our strawberries plants and planted tomatoes. We added wire for our grapes vines as they are beginning to bud. We have so many lemon, Ritchey has been making fresh lemonade. The kids have been swimming everyday! They are crazy as the water is cold! In the evening we lit a fire in the fire ring and had somores. That was a fun time with the kids. I think that this is my favorite time of year.

Chickens and New coops and Pen

The Pool Area



Grape Vines

grape vines and fruit trees


Tons of Lemons

Friends of Scott Cancer Prom 2008

Friday, October 12, 2007

Two funerals in one week

I was privileged to attend Michelle Butlers service on Thursday. This was another 16 year old that was a fighter until the end of her cancer battle. The services were beautiful with probably 1000 people there. She was loved by so many. They made beautiful video sharing her life they had so many photos, Made me realize I need to use my camera more!
This is so hard to see children dying if you could please spread the word for childhood cancer awareness-there needs to be a cure!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Getting ready for church

We are not the typical family. We all try to work together so we can get to Sunday school on time. I guess we need to do better job of it, This morning the hair brush was missing and although are house has many brushes they all were missing,with 5 girls that is a nightmare! We had to go get the emergency brush out of the car. Madison and Makayla had to get their hair combed in the car. Thomas lost his bible this am, and was throwing a fit. He had it in his hands, where could it have gone. Madison went to get chicken eggs, this am Thomas threw a fit he wanted to carry the eggs, and that was the last place the bible was seen. So yes I will admit I bribed my son with a mento to get him in the car to go to church with out his bible. It was worth it no more crying. I know none of you would ever bribe your kids but when you get to #10 some things are just not worth it. I will probably bribe him again and I am probably making him a monster. We made it to church on time….all smiles!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Do I Dare Say!

I have had a week that I hope and wished I had never had! I have had to feel out over 100 questions for interrogations on a law suit, so time consuming. I had 3 Yes, 3 different meetings for IEP for the kids, and I had my fist out and ready to fight for what is best-so that was very draining. The sad news of another child passing from leukemia.Cancer sucks and I wish we never had to deal with it again. The kids homework packs that were due Friday just vanished from the house, I guess the dog ate it. Which on the dog, she keeps eating crayons, which should not be on the floor but nobody drops them they just magically appear. Lack of sleep if it is not the kids I am up with its the cat this time crying and scratching at his ear...the cat is so old I feel sorry for him so I got up and put drops in them and cleaned his ears at 3:00 AM. Just when I don't think this week could worse Ashley comes over and needs to talk to Ritchey in the room privately. What could it be could she have gotten fired from her job? No she resigned because that way she wouldn't be fired you see she is a probationary employee and her 2 years is almost up so what could she have done to have this happen? Maybe she called in sick 18 times in a 6 month period and left 5 days early from being sick. Do I hear I told you so.....? So I am frustrated this week and I hope next week turns out better. I don't know what Ashley is planning to do or where she will live, but it takes money to live out on your own.
So Life this week is a blur and I pray God has better plans for me next week and the strength to make it until next week.

Chris Daniels died at such a young age!

There needs to be a cure for cancer! No child should have to die. We were sadden to hear the news Chris had passed. He has a very hard year and has spent most of the time inpateint. He wanted to get married to his girlfriend, I wish he would have gotten to have his last wish. We will be going to his services on Saturday. He will be missed by so many.

Friday, September 28, 2007

David's Driving!

My son was so proud to get his drivers licence on Wednesday. I was so proud at first also. But yesterday I went out and saw a huge dent and my back bumper broke! I asked if he hit something he said no! I told him he better think about it and he said he might of hit the rail road ties across the street when backing up! Might of! Well the confession is out and the dent matches up, I guess I get to look forward to dings, do you think I can get the DMV to take back his licence? Sarcasm ofcourse! I bet he will be more careful backing up from now on!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


This is a sample post!